Jamie Northrup

I can help you start and grow a minimalist side hustle — one that works on your terms!#HockeyDad #JeepOwner #TeamGoogle
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Learn more about me and see my tech stack.

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About Me

Some of the links below are affiliate links.

I could tell you about my amazing wife, my 2 incredible sons (Nathan & Jayden), and how much I love hockey.
Or I could dive into my online journey and how it can help you.
Let's start with the second part...

I love minimalist side hustles.

I've been making money online since 1995 when I was just 13!
I started by flipping hockey cards which I still do now with my 2 boys!
From there, I've tried dozens of side hustles.
In 2020, I started Minimalist Hustler, a brand made for side hustlers.
Shortly after, I coined the term "minimalist side hustles" to describe side hustles that work on your terms.
I even wrote a book about it...

I am a published author.

I published my first book in 2022 called Passion To Passive Profits.
In April 2024, I started a challenge to publish 12 books in 12 months.
These are my published books.

All these books are what I call minimalist books.
Like everything else...

I do it my way.

I don't listen to what the "gurus" say.
I don't even do things in the way I think will bring me the most profit.
I like to do things that I enjoy, in a way that I enjoy them.
Typically, I enjoy creating what I like to consume and that's well-formatted short-form valuable content.
Enough about me...

I can help you do it your way.

All the books I've published.
All the content I've created.
All the emails I've sent.
It's all to help you create and grow your minimalist side hustle.
One that operates on your terms.
Give it a shot...

All minimalist, all the time.

The best way to launch your minimalist side hustle is by joining us in the Minimalist Hustler HQ community.
And in true minimalist fashion...

More about me.

Nothing screams minimalist writing more than bullet points, so here are some for you.
And yes, they are in aesthetically pleasing order on purpose!

  • My favorite movie is Boiler Room.

  • I live in Laval (just north of Montreal) in Canada.

  • My favorite food is pasta (Campanelle Bolognese).

  • My favorite NHL hockey team is the Ottawa Senators.

  • My favorite TV shows are Billions, Succession, Devils, and House of Lies.

  • I love all kinds of music, right now, I'm loving Two Feet, Toby Mai, and Bec Lauder.

  • I'm a coach on both my sons' hockey teams. (Nathan's a right winger and Jayden's a goalie).

If you want to know more, just ask, and I'll let you know, and maybe even add it here!

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My Tech Stack

Some of the links below are affiliate links.

Here's a list (in alphabetical order) of all the hardware and platforms I use to run my minimalist side hustles.



  • Atticus - I use this to write, edit, and format my minimalist books.

  • Book Bolt - I use this to create my no-content books.

  • Canva - I use this for all my graphic design needs.

  • Carrd - I use this to build and host my websites.

  • Google - I use many Google products to run and organize my side hustles.

  • Gumroad - I use this as my primary e-commerce platform to host my online store.

  • Medium - I use this for all my blogging needs.

  • Pensight - I use this for my calendar bookings.

  • Publisher Rocket - I use this to research Amazon keywords and categories for my books.

  • Skool - I use this to host my online community.

  • SparkLoop - I use this to earn money from my newsletters and other email sequences.

  • Substack - I use this to host my weekly newsletters and as a social network.

  • Switchy - I use this to shorten and organize all of my links.

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